Odour and HEPA Air Filtration

At Zoom we like to provide our clientele with options.

Odour Remediation Services.

Ozone (corona discharge) and Hydroxyl generators are widely used by the insurance industry for the elimination of odors such as (cigarette) smoke, pet, mildew, must, fresh paint, urethane, and numerous other volatile organic compounds. The best part is the fact these technologies “eliminate” as opposed to “mask” odor molecules. We’ve had enormous success and solved many frustrating situations for people over the years – just look at our testimonials.

  • Case file: Empty 120,000 square feet warehouse previously used as a spice distribution hub and un leasable due to strong smell. Solution: Installed a series or ozone generators as fans to stir the air. Within a few days the odor was at a minimum and the facility was leased within 2 weeks.
  • Case file: Condo resident left cooking pan with meat on stove over high heat for over an hour. The smoke smell not to mention the smell of heavy metal from the pan was overwhelming. Solution: wiped all hard surfaces and installed an ozone generator for 5 hrs. Smell was 85% remedied and 100% gone within a week after.
  • Case file: Flower shop had smoke smell due to a fire at the dry cleaner next door. Solution: Installed a hydroxyl generator as they wished to remain open and more importantly protect their stock. Within five days of running continuously the odor was gone.

Hydroxyl generators are great for occupied spaces whereas Ozone requires evacuation of all living organisms.

A Hepa air scrubber fitted with a carbon filter is also a very effective was of removing odor the old fashioned way. Air is pushed and continuously re circulated thru a three stage charcoal and pleated filter.

We are here to help when you need us
  • On call 24/7 for client needs
  • Flexible and fast scheduling
  • Quality assurance
  • We use the latest air scrubber technologies
  • Ozone & Hydroxyl generators can eliminate most odours
Odour Removal Services Hepa Air Scrubber

We are trained, tested and certified through IICRC


  • Water Damage Restoration (WRT)
  • Fire and smoke restoration (FSRT)
  • Applied Microbial Remediation (AMRT)
  • Applied Structural Drying (ASD)
  • Odor Control (OCT)
  • Carpet Cleaning (CCT)
  • Floor Care (FCT)
  • Stone, Masonry & Tile Cleaning (SM)
  • Health and Safety (HST)